Brainslayer dd-wrt compilaci贸n 31924

DD-WRT Control Panel. Setup. Wireless. blue brainslayer cyan elegant green kromo orange red wikar xirian yellow. Finally I settled with DD-WRT BrainSlayer version 13525. DD-WRT recommended build 13064. WRT54GL out of the box comes with Linksys firmware which isn鈥檛 exactly rocket science and doesn鈥檛 support what I was looking for.

Select the downloaded DD-WRT image. Click OK through the prompts.

nothing much.

Wait until the disk completes writing. You are presented with the DD-WRT System Information page. This will show the current hardware, configuration, DHCP client list, etc. ith DD-WRT micro, these routers are turned into truely useful and well-performing devices.

The firmware is maintained by BrainSlayer and is hosted at

If this is your first time around, let me first unroll a quick FAQ about flashing DD-WRT and Tomato are more secure firmware alternatives to what comes on the router by default. These are both open source, very well written, and are kept up to date. So it is a good idea to replace the router's firmware with DD-WRT, if his router supports it. The DD-WRT build I currently recommend for this router is K2.6 30880 (by BrainSlayer). IMPORTANT: My testing shows that DD-WRT K2.6 builds are much faster on the [鈥

DD-WRT v24-sp2 (12/08/10) mini - compilaci贸n 14929 instalada en mi Linksys WRT300N v1.1, QOS parece funcionar para algunas situaciones y no para otras. Yo mismo me fij茅 en premium y el joven padawan lo hizo a granel, pero cuando comienza a descargar un juego de Steam o un juego de Xbox 360, le proporciona alrededor del 75% de la conexi贸n total. Tue, 12 Apr 2011 15:53:28 GMT Fri, 19 Jul 2019 06:48:40 GMT

Hi brainslayer Image Name: DD-WRT v24 Linux Kernel Image Created: 2012-12-24 12:44:20 UTC Image BrainSlayer ya ha dicho que de momento si nadie le paga no va a dar soporte a la fonera con el dd-wrt, y hace bien, aunque adelanta que el hardware no es de su agrado. Donde todos coincidimos es en la mayor calidad del chip atheros de la fonera, es mejor que el Broadcom de los wrt y bufallo, pero por contra es lenta al carecer de memoria y Trac Report - * List all active tickets by priority. * Color each row based on priority.